The Alabama in the Civil War Message Board - Archive

Re: Barrum Spencer Bobo
In Response To: Re: Barrum Spencer Bobo ()

You need to obtain her widow's pension application papers, see the information noted in the Red enclosed box above.

Therein you will find the information she relied on to note his service, along with that of the soldiers who attested to her husband's service.

I previously neglected to note that the last information on his service was taken from his companies muster roll dated October 31, 1863. This is the last of the bi-monthly musters which survived posterity to be included in the National Archives Compiled Service Records. His regiment remained on duty to the end of the war, thus, at least 8 more muster rolls would have been taken. These records were most likely destroyed during the sack of Richmond at wars end.

It was quite common for soldiers to remain AWOL for extended periods, and so dropped from the rolls. However, many later returned and were again so noted. Unfortunately, in his case we do not know.

However, with two of his kin remaining with the regiment, there's a good possibility he returned.

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Barrum Spencer Bobo
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Re: Barrum Spencer Bobo
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Re: Barrum Spencer Bobo
Re: Barrum Spencer Bobo
Re: Barrum Spencer Bobo
Re: Barrum Spencer Bobo