The Alabama in the Civil War Message Board - Archive

Your help has won the day

I thank all who have helped protect the graves at the Bristoe Station, Virginia battlefield by sending messages of concern to Prince William County officials. Your help has won the field, literally!

Partly as a result of the nationwide interest expressed in safeguarding the fallen men of this battle, the developers have revised their plans so that the core area of the battlefield will be set aside as a large park.

The victory has come with a cost: the total number of houses planned has remained the same, just packed more tightly on the remaining property. But I feel it is a win-win compromise, especially in contrast with the sad "developments" in Franklin, Tennessee, and elsewhere.

Although only one of the many message boards contacted about the threat to the graves, the Alabama Civil War Message Board was by far the most responsive to the call.
Just like so long ago, Alabama has rushed aid to Virginia once again. This Virginian stands in debt of your service in remembrance to fallen men of this battlefield.

May you know God's blessings,
John Pearson