The Alabama in the Civil War Message Board - Archive

Perhaps of Interest--Last Confederate Check

I photocopied the following from microfilm today.

The Daily Register
Vol. 66: No. 248, Mobile, Alabama, Tuesday Morning, November 16, 1886


The Last Confederate Check That Was Drawn.

St. Louis, November 15.—A special
from Dallas, Texas, says: Probably the
last check in existence on the Confed-
erate States of America, was exhibited
to-day by Col. J. F. Caldwell, of this
city. It is an interesting relic of the
war, and is a check for $80,000, and
drawn on the Confederate Depositors at
Columbus, by W. M. Gillespie, Quarter-
master, in favor of Col. T. Sanford. It
is dated April 14, 1865, five days after
the surrender of Lee. The check was
delivered to Col. Caldwell, who was
then chief clerk of the Depository, during
the movement from Alabama to Georgia,
before the victorious Federal cavalry.
the letter was delivered in the woods
and before the news of Lee’s surrender
had reached the retreating Confederates.