The Alabama in the Civil War Message Board - Archive

Rabaneau, Phillip J., Capt.

Extracted from Booth's records:

Rabaneau, Phillip J., Capt.
Co. C, 5th La. Inf. Captured Rappahannock Sta., Nov. 7., 1863. Recd. Old Capitol Prison, Wash., D. C., Nov. 11, 1863. Forwd. to Johnson's Island, Ohio, Nov. 14, 1863. Died Jan. 31, 1864. Was buried on the Island. Born Prussia, occupation clerk, Res. New Orleans, La., married.

Messages In This Thread

Ala. Confed. Soldiers Buried at Johnson's Island
Rabaneau, Phillip J., Capt.
Re: Ala. Confed. Soldiers Buried at Johnson's Isla