I read through the "Kelly" material. It along with the "cards" on Dr. RG Holloway from the Nat. Archives paints the picture I was looking for. The movements and battles of the regiment and the days that the doctor was available for duty. In addition, I have a running correspondence with a living grand daughter of Dr. Holloway who lives in Virginia. She is frail, but with an extremely sound mind for being 98 yrs. old. She was born at the doctor's house in 1912, seven years before he died and fourteen yrs before her grandmother died. She kept a scrapbook of letters, and stories from both the doctor and his wife. Many relate to his time in the Army, both in hospitals and in the field. I am going to combine these second hand stories with the "history" to complete part two of my article. I owe both of you gentlemen a great deal for pointing me in the right direction. (Now if someone could tell me where to find an 1860s pictures of the Keem hospital (GH #6) in Richmond, I would be ecstatic! :-) thanks again,
Dr. Robert Massey
El Mirage, Arizona