The Alabama in the Civil War Message Board

Re: William A. Woodson, Co. F 28th Alabama Infantr


If she was near his age, she probably remained a widow for life, lived with a relative and later probably one of her older children. That is probably why you can't locate her on the census. Older widows with children often did not remarry. There were too few men and to many unmarried younger women. She may have passed away before pensions were allowed.


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William A. Woodson, Co. F 28th Alabama Infantry
Re: William A. Woodson, Co. F 28th Alabama Infantr
Re: William A. Woodson, Co. F 28th Alabama Infantr
Re: William A. Woodson, Co. F 28th Alabama Infantr
Re: William A. Woodson, Co. F 28th Alabama Infantr