Collateral Ancestors
Just pondering the #s of collateral ancestors. Considering how large families were then I don't know how unique my ancestory might be. I have 3 lineal ancestors. 1.) Isaac Fleming 26th or 27th NC died at Elmira 2.) Henry Brewer 55th Al killed at Shiloh and 3.) my ggrandpa Joe Reed 48th Al. With Joe's brothers and uncles I found 12-15 collateral but recently started researching others, namely Lewis's and Graham's from Ga and looks like I was related to half the confederate army. Bit of an overwhelming task but looks like I'm pushing 100 or so. Now Lewis's and Grahams inherited large land grants for their ancestors Revolutionary War service, very active in politics and I assume the secesh movement. Can't find a single Union man in the bunch and honestly that disturbs me just a little but just confirms my own southern roots. What about some of yall, how many of your ancestors served Union or Confederate. Maybe I'm just bragging a wee bit but really is something I'm thinking about these days.