Re: Collateral Ancestors
Thanks for clearing that up about Henry Brewer, Alan, there's got to be a special place in heaven for historians I find so many almost uncanny coincidences. pardon my errors, so often I'm relying on memeory instead of looking things up and as historians/geneaologists we all admit that's one of the worse things to do as it so often gives rise to false information and was about to do again. Back in 2006 I submitted the obit of Frank M. Clifton to the Cherokee Co Genweb. My first thought was that he would be the Clifton of Cliftons brigade but his obit says 1st Lt Co H 48th Alabama. At any rate I will be pulling his record. I learned later that he married the widow of Joe Reed's 1st cousin Jeremiah Bishop 47th Alabama Co E. One of the coincidences is that Reeds are my maternal line. The 47th and 48 first brigade into Taliaferro's (pronounced Tolliver) brigade before coming under Laws. Talliaferro is one of my paternal lines. Extracts From Offical War Records tell of Col Sheffields report of the an engagement near Lookout Creek on Oct 28 and that Captain Eubanks was mortally wounded and 3 privates. I take that to mean the privates were only wounded. If that is the case then one of the wounded would have been Joe Reed as thats when and where he took the mini that cost him his leg. Interestingly, and I've probably told on this board already, is that Joe was just 50 milesfrom home but was sent by rail to one of the Richmond hospitals where his leg was amputated, not saying that his leg could have been saved just another one of my what ifs.