The best way to 'inventory' Confederate soldiers from Winston County would be to create a list of candidates from the 1860 census. Then determine how many were Confederate, Federal, both or none. By my count, the 1860 census for Winston County included 1,055 boys and men age twelve and up. We can disregard those age fifty and up, which leaves us with 895 names from the census register.
Based on a sample of 130 of these whose last names begin with the letters 'A' and 'B', it appears that we should expect to find about 160 Winston County men in U.S. service (1st Alabama Cavalry), and just over 200 who joined Confederate units during the war. The trend in this group suggests that 25-30 of these deserted and joined U.S. service. Those numbers are already included in the projected total of 160 men from this county in U.S. service.