The roll mentioned above may list him as absent, sick, during all the regiment's battles of 1862. His military service record shows him as a patient in a Richmond, Va., hospital during the Seven Days Battles, and the Battle of Fredericksburg. The record shows that he was present during one of the regiment's most notable fights, Salem Church, Va., May 3, 1863, and was wounded in the attack on Cemetery Ridge at Gettysburg Pa., July 2, 1863. He was assigned to duty as regimental drummer during November 1863, and listed as absent, on detail, for the remainder of the regiment's battles and skirmishes. His service record includes a parole dated April 9, 1865, Appomattox Va., with regimental field, staff and band members.
Copies of the service record mentioned are available here. ADAH in Montgomery has the historical roll dated Dec. 31, 1864. Both files were used to assemble information used in this post.