Allow me to explain why the unit you asked about is not the same as the 48th Alabama Regiment, Army of Northern Virginia. The Alabama state constitution authorized local militia composed of citizens from each county and community who were required to appear for assembly and drill from time to time. Numbered regiments so organized existed in each Alabama County long before the war. In Mobile County the 9th Militia Brigade included the 48th, 89th, 94th and 95th Militia Regiments. Elections were held for officers of the regiments and the companies of which they were composed.
Cleveland F. Moulton belonged to the 48th AMR by virtue of his residence. Had he lived in a different part of Mobile County, he would have been assigned to another AMR. The four militia regiments of Mobile County were actually called into service for a short period, Lt.Col. Moulton being paid for the period Mar. 25-Apr. 19, 1862. The Alabama militia was no longer needed due to passage of the Conscipt Act on Apr. 16, 1862.
All the Alabama militia regiments were abolished and militia commissions vacated by act of the state legislature in August 1863. By this time C. F. Moulton had been elected to the state legislature as one of the representatives from Mobile County. He was appointed special aide to Governor Watts for Mobile County on Sept. 4, 1863, his job being to assist in organizing 1st and 2nd Class Militia in this county.
Moulton lave served as Mayor of Mobile in the early 1870s.
Let me know if you have other questions.