Re: 48th AL at Gettysburg
The 48th Alabama began on the right of Law's brigade as it left Seminary Ridge about 4 pm on 2 July, but when the brigade reached Plum Run, it was shifted left with the 44th, went behind the 15th, 47th, and 4th Alabama, and attacked into the gorge between Devil's Den and the southwestern face of Little Round Top, where it took heavy casualties upon emerging from the woodline at this point. A photograph taken by Alexander Gardner just after the battle titled "Confederate dead in the Slaughter Pen" looks toward the rocks near the woodline and shows what may be some dead of the 48th, although other units were mixed together in the vicinity, including the 4th and 5th Texas of Robertson's brigade. I show Private G. H. Wigginton as being killed on 2 July, which is much more likely since the 48th was fairly inactive behind breastworks at the western base of Big Round Top all day on 3 July.