The Alabama in the Civil War Message Board

Re: Alabama at Pensacola, January 1861

The records in Tallahassee are very limited. The Florida Archives, (while 'wonderful' is the word always hoped for), are limited in their information at hand. The speaker at our Gen. Society meeting from the Archives said they were not even close to the capacity of the Alabama Archives. Some information is in Jacksonville. Some, South Florida. Some, University of West Florida. In his first term as Gov., Jeb B wanted to move the archives to the University of South Florida. It caused quite a stir and many of us bombarded him with letters, emails and such asking that be off the table. It is too far for many to get to and that particular University has a reputation for it's liberalism. They may not destroy a source such as newspapers and microfilm, they could 'hide' them. Jeb got the message.

The early newspaper archives both the papers themselves and those on microfilm are at University of West Florida in the wonderful collection in the basement. Scuse me, the papers are in the basement. The microfilm has been elevated to an upper floor. We do have some of the microfilm at the Genealogy Library on 9th Ave. too. Some of us have been workng to get all information that is at the public library to the Genealogy Library where the majority of researchers end up. Those who are looking for units their ancestors were in or even regimental history are mostly into Genealogy anyway and it seems to us to be the logical place. The main library branch is just now beginning construction on a much needed new building. Even with that, there is a problem with the homeless who come in and sit all day. They get a book or read a newspaper so they cannot be tossed out for loitering but they stiill cause some to be a bit wary. When you have an armed security guard from open to close every day, it's a problem.

The Alabama Archives probably has the same information and more on Florida. I found early Florida records and info in Montgomery that the Florida Archives told me they did not have. The newspapers from the 'neighbors, such as Mobile contain reports on the troops and activity that were in the Pensacola area. The very real lack of information that researchers in both genealogy and historical date is something we are working on at the Gen. Library. We feel it's very important to get that data in a place that can be accessed and used. When a person finds an ancestors name on something, they want the next record. Many times it is a military record and Civil War is the most asked for information by family info keepers. It's a slow process and the county cutting the aquistition budget to almost nil isn't helpful. This is why we, the Gen. Society, 'own' the books in the Gen. Library. We also are ordering new stuff every month. We have many books by authors from the board here and are ordering more. As a 'outgoing' request when we finished our term on the BOD, another lady and I asked that Dale's book be purchased in our name to add to the collection. The request was voted on and approved. Now the new officers and board are in place, they are starting to order stuff. This is the best way we can come up with to get information for the public because this era is one that is often put on hold when the budget gets tight.


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Alabama at Pensacola, January 1861
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Re: Alabama at Pensacola, January 1861
Re: Alabama at Pensacola, January 1861
Re: Alabama at Pensacola, January 1861
Re: Alabama at Pensacola, January 1861
Re: Alabama at Pensacola, January 1861
Re: Alabama at Pensacola, January 1861
Re: Alabama at Pensacola, January 1861
Re: Alabama at Pensacola, January 1861
Re: Alabama at Pensacola, January 1861
Re: Alabama at Pensacola, January 1861
Re: Alabama at Pensacola, January 1861
Re: Alabama at Pensacola, January 1861
Re: Alabama at Pensacola, January 1861
Re: Alabama at Pensacola, January 1861
Re: Alabama at Pensacola, January 1861
Re: Alabama at Pensacola, January 1861