At the Second Battle of Corinth there were both sharpshooter battalions and regiments in almost every brigade of Van Dorn’s Army. A quick guess on which were ss is difficult. Here is a possible list: 1st Division, Gate’s brigade, 16th AK Regiment SS; Colbert’s brigade, 7th MS SS Battalion SS; Martin’s Brigade, 37th Alabama Regiment SS
Maury’s Division: Moore’s brigade, 2nd Texas Regt Inf SS; Cabel’s brigade, Rapley’s AK BN SS; Phifer’s brigade, Stirman’s AK Regiment SS. I have not been able to identify the sharpshooter units in Lovell’s division. All of the sharpshooter units practiced long range shooting, skirmishing, and Infantry tactics. It is possible that any one of these units did better than Stirman’s Regiment at Corinth. But the combination and depth of capabilities of the Ranger companies and the other companies of Stirmans was the best available. If I have left out any unit please let me know or do a study on this interesting project. Stirman's letters allow us to see how he saw the battle, but there are no records for his troops for the battle, so we do not know the actual count of dead, wounded and captured
This is by no means definitive. I did a google and came up with a list of units that were associated with sharpshooting. I then applied that to the Order of Battle. This is what I came up with. Add in the 7th Iowa, 64th and 66th Illinois Regiments on the Union Side, and there may be more. I can easily be either short or totallly incorrect.
Does anyone know of a sourse for this information?