The Alabama in the Civil War Message Board

Re: 16th Ala Inf.
In Response To: 16th Ala Inf. ()

Doctor Belk

Enlisted as a Private
"G" Co. AL 16th Infantry

Sources used by Historical Data Systems, Inc.:
- Index to Compiled Confederate Military Service Records


Doctor B. F. Belk, Private, Company G, 16th Regiment Alabama Infantry, enlisted July 8, 1861 at Tuscumbia, Alabama by Col. W. B. Wood for 3 years, last recorded as receiving monthly pay on October 26, 1863, no further records

Note: His pay voucher signature Belk, looks very much like Beek as the 'L' is written slightly larger than the 'E'. Not knowing any better, one would take it to be Beek.


Elijah K. Belk, Private, Company G, 16th Alabama Infantry, enlisted July 8, 1861 at Tuscumbia, Alabama by Col. W. B. Wood for the war, sick in hospital October 27, 1861, in hospital July 1, 1862, employed as Cook at Johnson Hospital, Cleburne's Div. A. of T., Tullahoma, Tenn. March, 1863, attached as Nurse April through July, attached as Nurse to Receiving and Distributing Hospital, Army of Tennessee, Dalton, Georgia November 6, 1863 through January, 1864, no further records

M311: Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Alabama

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16th Ala Inf.
Re: 16th Ala Inf.