Mars Hill is located at the intersection of County Roads 65 and 80 not far from the Georgia state line. Croxton's cavalry dispersed Ben Hill's command at Munford AL on Apr 23, 1865. Mars Hill would be a journey of about fifty miles from Munford through rough country. Croxton's mission being to rejoin Wilson in Georgia, it seems unlikely that any part of his brigade would be sent into the wilds of Alabama for no real purpose. It also seems unlikely that the Confederate government would establish a manufacturing operation in such a remote location. Ordinarily operations like this could be found near readily available sources of supply and transportation. An example would be the furnance at Oxford, which Croxton's men destroyed in late April.
Finally, I would have expected officers and men of the 28th Tennessee Cavalry to have been with Ben Hill at Munford.
There was a skirmish near Ladiga on Terrapin Creek on October 28, 1864. At that time the armies of Generals Hood and Sherman were in the area.