The committee appointed at a meeting of the citizens of the connty of Talladega and said State beg leave to call the attention of Your Excellency to the following facts: First. This county has furnished twenty-seven companies of volunteers for the war. These were raised under a pledge, publicly given at a larger meeting of the citizens, that they would raise, if necessary, $20,000 a year while the war continued to aid in supporting the families of those who needed assistance. Second. At that time, May, 1861, there was a white population in the county of 14,634 persons, and a slave population of about 8,865 persons, and there were only about 30 persons who needed and received aid from the county. Now there are 3,997.
The ratio of companies raised from its white population is one company for every 542 persons. There's more concerning conditions in the county and steps taken to secure wheat, corn, salt and other supplies from citizens. Dated Apr 4, 1864, the petition was delivered to Gov Watts and forwarded to Lt Gen Polk.