The railroad statement of charges due lists the company as the Tuskegee Zouaves. All other documents including commissions issued to officers and the official state register of AVC companies use the name Alabama Zouaves. Tuskegee Zouaves may be a true nickname. We might imagine that people thought of members as Zouaves from Tuskegee, or Tuskegee Zouaves. Receipt No 14 for state service at Pensacola also uses the name Tuskegee Zouaves. All others use the official company name.
On Jan 19, 1861, the State of Alabama issued 50 sets of the following equipment to this company --
Canteens, .45 each
Knapsacks, 4.00 each
Infantry Accoutrements, 5.00 each
One shipping box sent by rail from Montgomery cost 2.50 in freight. Evidently company members already had uniforms, arms and belts. Accoutrements included cap and cartridge boxes. These items made the company capable of service in the field.
One other change must be noted. When the company received orders for Pensacola, evidently Capt Smith resigned and Evander M. Law took his place. Law's name appears as company captain on the receipt for canteens, knapsacks and infantry accoutrements, as well as statements of pay due company members.
The company left Pensacola for Montgomery on Feb 14, 1861. The Alabama & Florida RR statement doesn't include charges for return transportation of this company. The railroad's invoice to the State of Alabama totaled 2,481.80.
A statement of pay issued to 49 officers and men of this company gives service dates as Jan 14 to Feb 22, 1861, one month and eight days. Capt Law and Lt Dryer received an extra 2.50 for clothing of one servant each, "not a soldier."
Between Nov 28, 1860, and Jan 29, 1861, seven companies from Macon County were accepted for service in the AVC. Companies joining during this period were (in date order)
The Auburn Light Guards, Capt John W W Drake, joined the AVC on May 3, 1861. Original AVC companies accepted from Macon County were the Auburn Guards and Tuskegee Light Infantry, both recognized by act of the state legislature, Feb 22, 1860. Evidently new elections for company officers were held for both companies in November and December of 1860, as listed above.
In my previous message I mentioned the Alabama Zouaves as the 99th company admitted to the AVC. This was a mistake. According to date of commissions on file at the ADAH, it should be the 82nd company. Five companies appear on register without dates, and are not included by date order.