Re: Robert N. McDaniel
thanks for all the wonderful information! my initial attempt here was to determine what happened to him between 1867 and 1871, so i have tried to get information on the war to determine whether he was disabled or something that may have caused him to die. I would estimate that Robert McDaniel continued on to Missionary Ridge, Nashville and Resaca, but i have no way of knowing that. he did marry M.M. Hambrick in 1866, who lost her first husband in the war and was left with a daughter, and he did have a son in 1867 with herand he was required to sign the oath of loyalty in order to vote in 1867. his father Thomas volunteered and died of dysentery early in the war, his brother claims to have surrendered with the 23rd in Atlanta, which does not sound right, when he asked for a pension some time later. What a horrible war. what a terrible ordeal. what loyalty, what effort, but the cost to the south and its people was huge; very huge.