The Alabama in the Civil War Message Board

Re: pettus brigade flags *PIC*
In Response To: pettus brigade flags ()

Check the Alabama state archives Confederate flag collection. The 30th Alabama flag surrendered at Vicksburg was an eleven-star Firt National. We could expect the other flags to be similar.

As for the Alabama regiments then assigned to Buford's Brigade, remember that all but the 27th Alabama had been serving with Breckinridge's Kentucky regiments for some time. Alabama examples from the 1862-63 period are unknown. However, regiments serving with General Buford probably carried flags that looked a lot like the example below.

Messages In This Thread

pettus brigade flags
Re: pettus brigade flags *PIC*
Re: pettus brigade flags
Re: pettus brigade flags
Re: pettus brigade flags
Re: Breckinridge's Brigade flags