Cudos to you all! And as Doyle said, what makes youexperts so much better than college professors and doctors is that you are not tied down with all the political correctness and liberalism that most of those folks feel they have to shove down everyone's throats. It is so nice to be able to see the facts as they stand and not as interpreted to fit a nice political niche. As a history teacher, that is the number one goal and challenge, getting students to not judge our ancestors by today's ideals, values and standards.
The amount of info provided by you regulars is amazing and much appreciated.
As to the inter service banter, we, in the Army cant refer to Marines as jarheads anymore. The Army determined you could put something in a jar and keep it. So we are under orders to refer to that branch as Naval Infantry or Naval shore personnel. Of course we in the Army also know what we are refered to as well by our sister branches, but.... as a team we are the greatest military ever.