The Arkansas in the Civil War Message Board

Re: Merrill Pence regt. history of Dawson's 19th..

Ken, I know of it but haven't seen anything but excerpts. So I vote for posting it.

BTW, Danny Odom recently sent me a file on Dawson's 19th Arkansas, where he transcribed references to the regiment from all sorts of books and microfilms. He found some very, very good stuff. I'm taking what he sent, and updating my own files on Dawson's regiment. I'm thinking about posting a more complete narrative one of these days.

Messages In This Thread

19th Arkansas Regiment, No. 1
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Re: 19th Arkansas Regiment, No. 1 Addendum
Re: 19th Arkansas Regiment, No. 1 Addendum
Merrill Pence regt. history of Dawson's 19th...???
Re: Merrill Pence regt. history of Dawson's 19th..
Re: Merrill Pence regt. history of Dawson's 19th..
Re: Merrill Pence regt. history of Dawson's 19th..
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Re: Merrill Pence regt. history of Dawson's 19th..
Re: Merrill Pence regt. history of Dawson's 19th..
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Re: contact made with Merrill Pence; stay tuned...
Re: Merrill Pence regt. history of Dawson's 19th..
Re: Merrill Pence regt. history of Dawson's 19th..
Re: Merrill Pence regt. history of Dawson's 19th..
Re: Merrill Pence regt. history of Dawson's 19th..
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Re: Merrill Pence revised history of Dawson's 19th
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Re: a soldier in Dawson's 19th Arkansas Regiment..