The Arkansas in the Civil War Message Board

contact made with Merrill Pence; stay tuned...

Hello -

found a phone number that works for Merrill in my files last night and left a message and sent him email re if it is OK to post excerpts from his regt. history of Dawson's 19th Ark., etc.

I did find out that he is apparently getting ready to reprint it.....!!!!!!!!!!!

stay tuned,



Messages In This Thread

19th Arkansas Regiment, No. 1
Re: 19th Arkansas Regiment, No. 1 Addendum
Re: 19th Arkansas Regiment, No. 1 Addendum
Re: 19th Arkansas Regiment, No. 1 Addendum
Merrill Pence regt. history of Dawson's 19th...???
Re: Merrill Pence regt. history of Dawson's 19th..
Re: Merrill Pence regt. history of Dawson's 19th..
Re: Merrill Pence regt. history of Dawson's 19th..
posts from Merrill Pence's regt. history.....
Re: Merrill Pence regt. history of Dawson's 19th..
Re: Merrill Pence regt. history of Dawson's 19th..
contact made with Merrill Pence; stay tuned...
Re: contact made with Merrill Pence; stay tuned...
Re: Merrill Pence regt. history of Dawson's 19th..
Re: Merrill Pence regt. history of Dawson's 19th..
Re: Merrill Pence regt. history of Dawson's 19th..
Re: Merrill Pence regt. history of Dawson's 19th..
Merrill Pence revised history of Dawson's 19th..?
Re: Merrill Pence revised history of Dawson's 19th
GREAT re revis. history of Dawson's 19th..!!!!
a soldier in Dawson's 19th Arkansas Regiment...
Re: a soldier in Dawson's 19th Arkansas Regiment..
Re: a soldier in Dawson's 19th Arkansas Regiment..