The Arkansas in the Civil War Message Board

Civil War Round Table of the Ozarks June Meeting

The June , 2010 , meeting of the Civil War Round Table of the Ozarks will be held at the Library Center, 4653 S. Campbell, Springfield, Missouri on Wednesday the 9th at 6:30 pm and will feature Greg Biggs on"Napoleonic Cavalryman - Nathan Bedford Forrest". He is president of the Clarksville CWRT and Program Chair for the Nashville CWRT and has given presentations all over the country. He;is a Civil War author, editor, researcher and tour guide specializing in the war fought in the western theater - in particular Sherman's Atlanta campaign, the battle for Fort Donelson and CSA General Nathan Bedford Forrest. He has held executive positions with several Civil War Roundtables and preservation and historical societies including the Western Ohio Civil War Roundtable, the Ohio Civil War Association, the Clarksville, TN Civil War Roundtable and the Montgomery County Civil War Preservation Society and is a member of the Advisory Board of the Center For the Study of the Civil War in the West at Western Kentucky University. As an author, Mr. Biggs' Civil War articles have appeared in Blue & Gray Magazine (where he also served as an Associate Editor), Civil War Regiments, Citizen's Companion, American Vexillum Magazine and the Flags Of The Confederacy website. He has authored or co-authored several books including the forthcoming, Tattered Banners: Alabama's Civil War Flags, I Go To Illustrate Georgia: Civil War Flags Of Georgia Troops and Tennessee's Civil War Flags. Mr. Biggs has also contributed research to the Civil War works of authors Larry Daniel, Robert Maberry, Gordon Rhea, Russell Brown, John Coski, Wiley Sword, John Sexton, Eric Wittenberg and Andrew Johnson as well as to artists Don Troiani, John Paul Strain and Dale Gallon. Mr. Biggs has co-lead tours with Ed Bearss and Brian Wills and has lead multiple Civil War Roundtables and military groups on tours of Civil War Atlanta, Fort Donelson as well as various spots from Cairo, IL. to Clarksville, TN. The Civil War was a defining event in the history of the United States. The issues, the conflict, the brutality and the personalities of it continue to fascinate us to this day. Come get to know us and join with us as we celebrate the Sesquicentennial of the Civil War in 2011-2015! Visitors and students always free and welcome! For more information call: Jim Millikin at 417-889- 1848 or visit our website at
The Civil War Round Table of the Ozarks, a not for profit organization, has met continuously since 1960 and celebrates 50 years in 2010. It provides a forum where persons of diverse backgrounds meet to explore their common interest in our nation's greatest conflict.