The Arkansas in the Civil War Message Board

Re: Jordan's Plantation

Hi, Re: location. This is from "Bartholomew's Song" 2008. "Mighty Floods. In June 1867 the Arkansas River flooded from Little Rock to its mouth where high water from the Mississippi backed up for miles. The Gazette reported, "Below Pine Bluff, on the south bank, but little damage has been done as far down as the Jordan plantation. Here the water has entered through a bayou, covering some sixty acres of that place, and finding its way out at the Goodloe place. At Floyd Smith's the levee has broken and the water is pouring in through a crevasse several hundred feet in width. This inundates all the plantations on that side of the river, from the foot of south Bend to the mouth." Another quote I find of interest; "Pianos also came to the bayou land and their lyrical notes provided pleasure for all who listened. Little did the Italian Bartholommeo Cristofori, dream in 1709 when he perfected his work on the first piano that his instrument would be played in America on the banks of Bayou Bartholomew." Kathryn