The Arkansas in the Civil War Message Board

First Call for Troops by Military Board

I am looking for the date of the first call for troops by the state military board.

I found a record of the first meeting of the State Military Board, on May 22, 1861, in which the board actually directs

"It was ordered that no more military companies march for Little Bock, or any other place of rendezvous, for the purpose of being received into the service of the State, until specially ordered to do the same; but that all citizens are recommended to organize and form themselves into companies at home for the purpose of discipline and drill, and that, when so organized, they report their organization to this board, so that they may be called into service when needed"

Then I find an unfootnoted reference to the State Military Board issuing a call for 10,000 troops on July 2, 1861, in the Stream of History, the Jackson County Historical Society News Letter, Volume XXXIV, No. 1-4, Page 38.

Does anyone have a reference to an earlier call for troops by the State Military Board?