The Arkansas in the Civil War Message Board

Historic Walker Cemetery

The historic Walker Cemetery lies next to the Confederate Cemetery on Rock St. in Fayetteville Ar. In this cemetery lies David Walker the President of the Secession Convention who was also Ar. state Senator in 1840 ,3 times a State Supreme Court Justice, one of the Founders of the U of A and served as a Colonel on the military board of Gen. Sterling Price plus other accomplishments in the field of law. He was married to Jane Lewis Washington a 3rd cousin of George Washington. His parents as well as his kinsmen are laid to rest there. Several other Confederate officers are laid to rest there also.
This Cemetery has laid in disrepair for years. I along with my Wife and Grandson have been working for about ten years to acquire a deed to the Cemetery. Thanks to the generosity of two Fayetteville attorneys we were successful in obtaining a deed.
August 6, 2011 the deed will be presented to the Southern Memorial Association for the care and restoration of this Cemetery. Who through their generosity and concern
have tried to keep it presentable because of its' historic value to not only Fayetteville, but also to the state of Arkansas.
The presentation of the deed will take place at the gazebo in the Confederate Cemetery.
The public is invited to attend.

I'm proud to be a descendant of David Walker.
Gene Sherburne