The Arkansas in the Civil War Message Board

20 May, 1862

The Daily Dispatch, Richmond, Virginia CS
The Enemy in Arkansas.
The Memphis Avalanche, of the 10th inst., has the following editorial news relative to the movements of the enemy in Arkansas:
A gentleman just from Newtown, Arkansas, states that the Federals had about 4,000 troops at Pocahontas, and about 5,000 more under General Curtis, were daily expected. The Federals were overrunning Arkansas, and it was reported that large bodies were moving on Little Rock and Jacksonport — They had not reached the latter place 1st Saturday.
The Federals approaching, Little Rock are said to be accompanied by Lane, of Kansas, whom they design to make Governor of Arkansas, in place of Governor Rector.
The Federals at Pocahontas had taken possession of the Gazette and Herald office, and from it were issuing a paper devoted to local matters and the affair of the Federal troops. The editor of the Pocahontas Herald and Gazette, Capt. Martin, is raising a guerrillas brigade.