The Arkansas in the Civil War Message Board

26 June, 1862

Arkansas True Democrat, Little Rock CS
Camp Cache, June 18, 1862.
R.S. Yerkes, editor:

... I send you the Cavalier, a Federal “extra” paper, published at Jacksonport. The report of the fight at Waddill’s farm as they have it is a glaring a falsehood, written by Col. Brackett, a low, mean villain and negro thief, commanding the 9th Illinois cavalry. The truth is that we lost one man, one prisoner badly wounded and one prisoner not hurt. They lost five killed and twelve wounded. The 9th Illinois regiment is a jailbird regiment, having been made up by the convex of the Illinois penitentiary.... We fought with 60 men, they had over two hundred to start with and were reinforced by the regiment to 600. The Capt. Cameron so highly eulogized by the Cavalier was killed.

The troops here were commanded by Col. Burleson of Texas, a fine officer and an accomplished gentlemen.... Our ranks are filled with true good men, who are terribly in earnest and will retaliate on Lincoln’s slaves. Let every patriot, everywhere, do his best. Every little helps. Knox.