The Arkansas in the Civil War Message Board

12 July, 1862

The Daily Dispatch, Richmond, Virginia CS
The capture of Curtis.
We have reason to believe that this Republican ex-Congressman, who has been attempting to play the General since the commencement of hostilities between the North and South, has finally been bagged by Gen. Hindman in Arkansas. For some time he has been at the head of one of the plundering divisions of the enemy in the Southwest, and has rendered himself as notorious for robbery and lying as any General they have in service. For a month or more his armed thieves, under his direction, have been lording it over the northern portion of Arkansas, and have almost completely devastated the country in their wake. If the news of his capture be correct — and we scarcely think it admits of a doubt — it would seem that the tide of success is again setting in our favor, and Arkansas and Southern Missouri will soon be relieved of the oppressors.

New York Times US
CHICAGO, Friday, July 11.
A special dispatch from Memphis, 9th says that late news from Arkansas has been obtained from a gentleman who left Madison on Monday. He states that Gen. CURTISS' command was at Jacksonport, endeavoring to make its way to the river. It is reported that they are suffering terribly from lack of forage and supplies.
The Railroad bridge at Madison was burned by Gen. HINDMAN's orders on the 28th ult., as it was feared that Gen. CURTISS would pass that way to the Mississippi, or it would be used by troops on the route to his aid.
HINDMAN, by his course, is rendering himself very unpopular in that section.