The Arkansas in the Civil War Message Board

16 August, 1862

Memphis Daily Appeal CS
Our dispatches yesterday indicate that Curtis' army has not gone up to Memphis as has been anticipated. At any rate a portion of it is at Friar's Point, in Coahoma county, near the Yazoo Pass, where Capt. Maxwell engaged and repulsed them. Nothing has been heard from Gen. Hindman recently, and we suppose he has left Phillips, Desha and the other southern counties of Arkansas to the mercy of Curtis' marauders. Hindman should never have permitted Curtis to march his sick and worn out army through Arkansas. When in the center of the state Curtis was completely in his power, being without provisions and no means of getting them, save as he took them vi et armis from the people, through whose soil he was marching. Had he destroyed the forage and driven off the cattle, and afterward surrounded him With his force of over five thousand cavalry supported by infantry and field artillery attacking and harassing him on all side, Curtis would have soon been compelled to capitulate. But instead of this Gen. Hindman gave him battle in front all the time and Curtis thus came out victorious, or with the bulk of his army after traveling through the entire State.—Vickburg Whig.