The Arkansas in the Civil War Message Board

18 August, 1862

The National Republican, DC US
CONFISCATED NEGROES.—The Louisville Journal, of Saturday, states that the steamer Fitzhugh, from Cairo to Cincinnati, has on board fifty confiscated Arkansas negroes from Curtis’ command.

PROPER PUNISHMENT.—Col. Daniels, Of the First Wisconsin cavalry, lately did a good thing at Madison, Arkansas. The rebel provost marshal of the place, named Huestis, had put a Union soldier in the jail on the charge of being a spy, where he remained a week, with just food enough to keep him alive. His cell had never been cleaned, and when Col. Daniels found him he was covered with filth and vermin. On hearing the facts the Colonel Immediately put Huestis in the cell, which was ordered in be left in the same condition in which Huestis's victim had left it.