The Arkansas in the Civil War Message Board

3 September, 1862

Arkansas True Democrat, Little Rock CS
Mr. David Taylor, of Rocky Comfort, Ark., sends us a communication on the subject of buying and paying for guns by the different Provost Marshals. The practice is now, we believe, to give a receipt for the gun and on presentation of this receipt to the chief of ordnance or other officer, he pays a reasonable price there for. Mr. T. argues that the better plan would be to furnish the marshal or agent with money to buy the guns and close the matter at once. The certificates given are at a discount, for it costs a journey to Little Rock or Camden to get the money, and complaints is made that the journey is often made in vain; passes have to be procured and valuable time is lost. More guns could be obtained if the purchase money was paid down and at lower prices. Mr. T. says these certificates of purchase are traded off at a heavy discount and the parties suffer a loss. We mention this at his urgent request and commend it to the consideration of those who have the management of such matters.