The Arkansas in the Civil War Message Board

6 December, 1862

Arkansas Gazette, Little Rock CS
During the past week there has been a better supply of what there is in the country offering, than for some time past. Beef has been sold by the quarter at 8 to 10 cents; and some small lots of Pork have been coming in, generally at 20 cents. Engagements however are being made for large meat, later in the season at 12½ to 15 cents, and in some cases as low as 10 cents. There is no scarcity of Port in the country, and the great demand of salt will cause it to fall to a proper level. Corn Meal is in good demand at $1 25 to $1 75 per bushel; Dried Peaches from $3 50 to $4 per bushel; Chickens are sold at $12 to $15 per dozen; Eggs at $1 per dozen; and Butter at 75 to $1 per pound; Flour (none offering) at $20 to $25 per 100 pounds.