The Arkansas in the Civil War Message Board

21 December, 1862

Nashville Daily Union US
The victory at Prairie Grove, Arkansas grows in importance and decisiveness as more definite and correct accounts are received. It was one of the most terrible defeats that the rebels have yet encountered, and reflects imperishable honor on the victors. General Herron's loss, as officially stated, was 843 killed and wounded, General Blunt's 152. Total Union loss, 995. The rebel loss was about twenty-seven hundred. Their wounded were scattered for miles through the woods, abandoned by their flying comrades. About 6,000 of Hindman's men are said to have taken advantage of the retreat, to desert him. The brilliant success of Generals Herron and Blunt was gained against a force outnumbering their united commands almost eight lo one, and as well provided with artillery as they. Hindman has retreated to the south side of the Arkansas river. Our troops are actively preparing for new demonstrations, and a brilliant future is predicted for the Department of the Frontier.