The Arkansas in the Civil War Message Board

Training during combat

Most of us who have been "over there" all too well understand the issues etc with maintaining training while actively employed against the enemy. This evidently was not new to Arkansas troops in 1864. The following was found listed with the Quartermaster of the 2nd Ark Inf in March 1864. CPT Charles Sullivan listed items expended during the quarter and one listing was for 7 pounds of cut nails. His explanation follows:

"Used in making targets for the men to shoot at with their muskets so they could get in practice so they could kill more yankees."

Not much has changed in 150 years. I remember having to go to the range in Iraq to shoot weapons to maintain marksmanship on more than one occassion.

Now that was a thought to assisting with the winning of the war, make sure the men were in practice to be able to kill more yankees! Problem was, kinda like fighting the Chinese and we have enough ammo to kill them all even if we hit every enemy?

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Training during combat
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