I am not a collector, nor do I live in N.Y. I am writing a biography of General McConihe, and his correspondence contained several references to this ceremonial sword. It would be great if I could include a photograph of it in the book.
While at the Civil War Museum in Philadelphia two years ago, I spoke at length with one of the reference librarians about finding sources on the 169th N.Y.S.V. Infantry Regiment, of which I am writing a history. He never mentioned Gen. McConihe's sword being in the library's collection. Perhaps I should double-check on that.
Meanwhile, I just sent out letters to several potential descendants of John's immediate family, and hope that this effort may yield something.
Through dogged research, I've already tracked down a direct descendant of Brevet Brigadier-General Alonzo Alden of the 169th, so I am hopeful that I will make contact with John McConihe's kin.