Has any of the saber and sword experts seen or heard of an authentic Confederate saber that was issued to NCOs? Unlike the mounted and foot officer's saber and saber rig, the NCO saber was supposed to be either worn on a baldric or on a bayonet throg attached to a waist belt. If the Confederate NCO sabers did indeed exist, who made them and if they were wornon a baldric, what design breast plate/buckle was used?
The Model 1851 federal issue NCO saber was worn on a baldric with a small round eagle breast plate/buckle device and was worn by U.S. army sergeants from 1851 through the 1870s. I am under the impression that the Confederate NCO saber was similar in design to the federal NCO saber but I have never seen any proof they even existed besides being called "ultra-rare."
Thanks in advance.
Jerry Coffee