The Arms & Equipment in the Civil War Message Board

Re: Small Arms of the 7th TN Mtd. Inf

Mr. Queen,

You may want to initially check the Compiled Military Service Records (CMSR) of the regimental officers (I would start with the field grade officers) and see if they had receipts for issuance of weapons or accouterments that may give you an idea of what they initially had. The next step would be to check the CMSR's of the Brigade Staff officers to see if they have quarterly ordnance reports or receipts in their CMSR's. The National Archives has Record Group M331 - Confederate Staff Officers and Non-Regimetnal Enlisted Men. I do not immediately have the record group for the quarterly ordnance reports but they are on a separate microfilm for Federal units.

I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any questions.


Gerald D. Hodge, Jr.
War Between the States Historian
Historian: 39th Georgia Volunteer Infantry Regiment

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