The Arms & Equipment in the Civil War Message Board

Re: Question???
In Response To: Re: Question??? ()

Other John,

I have a friend and business associate that is a retired Brigadier General, United States Army. He was a captain during his tours in VietNam and commanded The Richmond Howitzers there. He has a vast collection of books on the unit. I just finished reviewing one of them that covers the time period from before the WBTS to WWI. It didn't have a lot of info on ordnance. Mostly command structure and personel and it's evolution over the years. I'll check with him to see if he can provide any info on the Whitworths. The Howitzers are still an active unit today. They are a part of the 111th Infantry. They are in Iraq but serving as military police and not artillery. If my memory serves me they went ashore on Omaha Beach during D-Day next to the 101st Airborne.


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