I read this thread with interest. I am trying to identify a Civil War musket carried by my great grandfather, William Loren Pendleton. It is 48 inches long, the barrel is 33 inches long. It has 2 barrel straps. The second strap from the muzzle has a sling swivel. A second swivel is mounted on the stock near the butt. It has a bayonet mount on the right side of the muzzle with 360 stamped on it. The barrel is stamped with a 3 on the left side at the nipple end, a C, a mark that could be a Gk and another mark I can’t decipher. The nipple appears to be fixed. There is an anchor with what appears to be D and C on the side stamped on the trigger guard, lock assembly, each of the barrel bands and the bottom of the barrel. There is a brass plate with an eagle mounted on the stock behind the barrel. The butt plate is brass and appears unmarked. The rear sight is a single fixed leaf. The bayonet is a saber type. The ramrod is a straight metal rod with no flare. I was unable to identify any inspection stamp on the stock nor was I able to determine if the barrel was rifled. The barrel is approximately 5/8ths of an inch bore. I have detailed photos but I don't have a place to post them.
I also have a picture of my great grandfather seated with the musket and bayonet. As best I can determine he served in H Company of the 15th New York Engineers. He enlisted in 20 Aug 1864, was promoted to Corporal on 24 Dec 1864 and was mustered out in 13 Jun 1865.
Dave Pendleton