From your description of the Enfield, it is more toward the "common" end of the continuum than the "rare" -- but still an interesting piece.
John Marson was a gun and part maker in Birmingham, England from approximately 1857 to 1900. From 1857 to 1872 his business was located at 55 Livery Street. He was granted British Patent No. 646 of 15 Mar. 1861 for a percussion breech-loader. One of his 1862 advertisements stated the following:
"JOHN MARSON, By Her Majesty's Royal Letters Patent. Breech Loading Fire Arms and their Projectiles. GUN, PISTOL, AND RIFLE Manufacturer, Patentee and Sole Manufacturer of Marson's BREECH LOADING FIRE ARM and Patent Rifle Projectile Works, 55 Livery St. & Lower Loveday St., Birmingham. Contractor for Home and Foreign Markets"
There were also two other Marsons -- Samuel and William -- who were Birmingham gun and/or part makers on Livery St. from the 1870s forward a decade or two, and were likely John Marson's sons."
"Burr" (or some name starting with those letters) was probably the barrel maker for your Enfield. The other initials/numbers you mentioned are likely intials and marks of inspectors.
Your missing barrel bands, swivel and bayonet lug hurt your Enfield's value a bit. Value would be based largely on condition. If you send me your photos, I will be happy to look at the other marks and try to estimate a ballpark value.
Best regards,
Mike Bailey