This is very helpful. Did John Marson, then, qualify as part of the "Birmingham Small Arms Trade"? If so, then this likely would be a "Number 2 Medium Quality, Hand Made" Enfield as opposed to the "Number 1 Enfields with interchangeable parts" made with machine manufacture to guaged standards? An article by Tony Beck, Coastal Rifles, that I found on the internet at, states the quality of the Number 2s were dependent on the individual maker and hence the name of John Marson is important. Beck states that the name of the higher quality makers appears on the butt instead of the Enfield acceptance stamp. Apparently both the North and South used large numbers of Number 2 rifles. Beck also states that most of the Number 1s were refurbished at Springfield and were sold back to Europe after the War of Northern Aggression to help pay the crushing war debt of the Federal Government. Therefore, Number 1s are very rare.
Then, the finish on the stock is not paint but a dark stain. Also, I examined again the initials under the barrel at the very rear of the barrel and see that they read JMJR next to the numeral 6.
Pics follow to your email address.
Thanks much, Red Hill