I got the chance to examine a model 1853 Enfield -rifle-musket today, lock marked with the Tower and 1862 date. The barrel proofs and bore marks are not readable. But the wood is still nice, and down in front of the butt plate tang is a clear stamping with a crown, below it SH, below the "S" there is a capital C (or maybe a "G"), and beside that, under the "H" is some slight marking that might be part of a letter, or maybe the left fluke of an anchor. I can't see anything under that, but the mark is does get lighter as it nears the tang.
So, the mark looks like this, sort of:
(c) (c)is the crown
The "J" is where there may be some character.
I know SHC is for Sinclair Hamilton & Co, importers to the Court, and SH&G is Shuler, Harley & Grahm, importers for the North.
How can I tell if this is one or the other?
What should be after the C or G, and does one have an arrow or a number below or beside it?
This Enfield is a complete, something of a beater, but if Sinclair marked, a good deal.