The Arms & Equipment in the Civil War Message Board

Re: .58-caliber "Minie Muskets" of 30th Mississipp

I "read in a book somewhere" that Lee's army was issued AK-47s just before the Wilderness Campaign, too, but that doesn't necessarily mean it was so ;-)

As for discipline in the Army of Tennessee, any serious study will turn these things up. Quick references that pop to mind are Sam Watkins' memoirs, "Company 'Aytch'" and Larry Damiels' Soldiering in the Army of Tennessee.

A soldiers' gear was government/public property, and the officers were charged with accounting for all that stuff at the pain of having any shortages, down to a two-cent tompion, deducted from their pay if they couldn't account for it...


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Re: .58-caliber "Minie Muskets" of 30th Mississipp
Re: .58-caliber "Minie Muskets" of 30th Mississipp
Re: .58-caliber "Minie Muskets" of 30th Mississipp
Re: .58-caliber "Minie Muskets" of 30th Mississipp
Re: .58-caliber "Minie Muskets" of 30th Mississipp
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