The Arms & Equipment in the Civil War Message Board

Re: search for working 1860s calvary bugle

Hello Sandra,
I have a bugle that is several years old. It is a short, well made bugle that came from Dixie Gunworks about 15 or more years ago. On it is stamped; Dixie Gun Works; Original Found at Battle of Stones River". It is supposed to be patterned after a Confederate Bugle found at that Battle. It sounds very good but I don't have any idea what key it is in. I bought it from a friend.

A few years ago I went to a reenactment and a guy said he had the same thing or model from Dixie Gun Works, only his was a cheap, thin, flimsy piece of crap. The weight, size, length, and sound were totally different. But he said it was after the C.S. one found at Stone's River. I told him mine was also from DGW and patterned after the same bugle, but evidently their quality or supplier had changed.

There is one that looks like mine that is in the Collector's Armory catolog. I dont' know if it sounds the same or not or is patterned after a C.S. one like mine, but it looks the same.
Take care,
Millbrook, Al..

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search for working 1860s calvary bugle
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