The Civil War Flags Message Board

Post War CS National flag ban?

Hey fellows,

I was recently emailed and asked this question:

"A recent conversation about the (generic, contemporary) Confederate
battle flag's use raised a question for me about the attachment to the
battle flag. Are the *national flags* of the Confederacy banned?

I vaguely remember reading in a museum in Charleston, where i first
saw the national flags, that the flags had been banned after the war.
I don't know if i formed the conclusion myself or if it was presented
that the ban is why the battle flag had to stand in for the symbol of
the Confederacy.

Decades later, i can't find any documentation that the national flags
were banned after the Civil War."

Coski, in his book mentions an implied ban during the military occupation, i.e. Reconstuction period and that certain military districts had issued various orders forbidding the displaying of the flag and the wearing of uniforms with insignia but I know not of any blanket post war document that specifically bans the display of the national flag unless it was part of the surrender agreement. Any thoughts on this? Thanks!