The Civil War Flags Message Board

2nd Corps HQ flags @ Gettysburg

I just got back from a weekend in Gettysburg, and spent a good bit of time taking better photos of the flags in the new visitor's center while I was there. They had quite a few interesting examples on display (same as last year), but I noticed something odd with two of the flags that maybe someone has more information about.

One of the two flags was a standard 2nd Corps HQ flag (blue, swallow tailed, etc...) and had the usual description mentioning the basics of its use. The second flag is what peaked my curiosity though. I was a swallow tailed U.S. guidon (no inscriptions or designations, about normal size for a cav. company guidon, artillery guidon, or later issue of infantry flank flags). So far nothing weird about this flag except that its description stated it was Hancock's personal guidon/HQ flag.

Does anyone have any information how/why Hancock would need 2 different flags to mark his position? Is one earlier that the other and misrepresented by the exhibit? Any other ideas or comments about these 2 guidons?

Josh Bucchioni