The Civil War Flags Message Board

Re: Third Winchester flags. Brunk Auction


If you match the cross width with those existing Staunton Depot ANV style flags it is virtually identical. The Brunk details are not what any of us wish to see and, as we know challis is also wool of a different type.

The Brunk cross is narrower than the crosses of ANV 5th Bunting flags. I have compared it with scale drawings of the Staunton Depot ANV flags and the ANV 5th Bunting flags and it is much closer to the Staunton Depot flags. I could be wrong with this and am happy to be given the right data for the Brunk flag if it can be examined by someone in detail but I do not know who owns it.

The guy from who the flag came from, RK Meade, was with the ANV I believe so this could all be wrong but only a detailed look at that flag will tell.

Greg Biggs

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Re: Third Winchester flags. Brunk Auction