Greg Biggs is my sole source for information on Battle Flags. He is the man and Subject Matter Expert on Battle Flags.
I defer to Lee White when it comes to having ready access to the unit vertical files at CCNMP. He is one of the Park Rangers and sits with about 50 feet of the files and knows of whence he speaks.
Battle Flags are not my focus but I do help monitor this amoung other message boards. When I do my research, I casually make note of captures of battle flags but pay more attention to the capture of ordnance, sundries, and quartermaster materials. Greg can run the line of custody of captures tooth to tail and I have had the privelege on a couple of occassions to be his eyes and ears but he has assisted me more than I have been able to help him.
If your inquiry from Greg about books is in reference to the fight on north Missionary Ridge then I would recommend:
The Shipwrecks of their Hopes: The Battles for Chattanooga. By Peter Cozzens.
Mountains touched with Fire: Chattanooga Besieged, 1863. By Wiley Sword.
Both these volumes give very good overviews to the fight, however, they do not get down into the microscopic analysis of small arms and field artillery disposition, deadspace, casualty evacuation, ammunition resupply, command and control, etc. The only inaccuracy is Cozzens states that McConnell (commander of the 39th Georgia) was killed instantly. I believe he gleaned this from Cleburne’s report, however, McConnell was mortally wounded and died several days later at his home in Ringgold, Georgia.
I hope this helps.
Gerald D. Hodge, Jr.
War Between the States Historian
Historian: 39th Georgia Volunteer Infantry Regiment